A Wedding in Hobbiton
/Ok, I've been up for about 24 hours straight, but I just had to show you a bit of this amazing location where I will be shooting tomorrow. It is literally in the middle of a redwood forest by a small pond with beautiful foliage all around. I expect fairies to come flitting out tomorrow evening as Kristen* makes her grand entrance.
This is the view from the altar, looking up into the canopy:
There is also, I do promise, an earthen hobbit-house to the left of these trees. I'll take a pic tomorrow.
Being a friend of the bride, I get to partake in the celebration a bit more, being a full fledged diner at the rehearsal dinner. Dozens of guests gathered at Tapestry to eat, drink, and toast. Here is my salad:
and my dessert, a peach pie:
And here's the happy couple, Kristen* and Todd, as they get regaled by one of K*'s brothers.
It has truly been a spirited evening, and I look forward to what tomorrow will bring.